Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) Voucher Program

2 min

Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) vouchers provide dedicated rental assistance to support youth in two situations: youth exiting foster care who are at risk of homelessness, and youth who have become homeless (or at risk of homelessness) after having been in foster care.

The resources on this page are designed to illustrate the scope of need, provide information about the potential of FYI vouchers, and provide clarity on how distinct agencies (e.g., Continuums of Care, Public Housing Authorities, child welfare agencies) can play a role in connecting former foster youth to these resources.

Demonstrating the Scope of Need

The three following interactive maps, produced in partnership with the National Center for Housing and Child Welfare, allow readers to identify the risk of homelessness for youth transitioning from foster care (map 1), the share of PHAs accessing available FYI vouchers (map 2), and the number of youth who may soon require housing support to avoid homelessness and achieve safe and stable transitions from care (map 3).

Alliance Resources

The Alliance welcomes input from local partners now accessing utilizing FYI vouchers to prevent and end youth homelessness so those lessons can be translated to the larger field. Please feel free to reach out to Sharon McDonald and Malik Rivers with local insights and experiences.

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