HUD Still Hasn’t Released Homelessness Funding

Essential homelessness funding still hasn’t been distributed to communities across the country. If this continues, people experiencing homelessness won’t be able to access life-saving and critical housing assistance and supportive services.

A recent survey conducted by the Alliance found that more than 30-45 days without funding would result in massive disruption of services. Rent checks will be delayed, payroll for staff may be missed, and bills to keep the doors open may go unpaid—all of which pose a threat not only to the program operations but, more importantly, to the people these projects are already serving.

We need YOUR voice to tell your Members of Congress how critical these funds are to your community. And we need Congress to urge HUD to deliver these critical funds immediately to the communities that need them.

3 Key Ways to Advocate Today:

Call your lawmakers’ D.C. offices.

Send a personalized email to your lawmaker’s office.

Fill out the Alliance’s online advocacy form on this page.