Homelessness funds are still uncertain due to delays at HUD. It is clear from the now-rescinded OMB memorandum that these funds are at risk: although awards have been announced, the projects are not yet under grant agreement.
Delays in moving forward with the obligation and disbursement of renewal funding will have a detrimental impact on organizations already housing and assisting people who are formerly and currently experiencing homelessness.
We need Congress to urge HUD to not delay the obligation and disbursement of the renewal funding any longer. We need YOUR voice to tell Congress what the impact would be if the obligation and disbursement of renewal funding does not happen soon.
Call your lawmakers’ D.C. offices
The Capitol Hill switchboard is (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the House or Senate office you request. Don’t know what to say? Please use this script or change it to convey your own message.
- “Although the threat of the freeze has at least temporarily past, it is clear from the now-rescinded OMB memorandum that these funds are at risk because the recently announced awards for FY2024 CoC Program funding is not yet under grant agreement. Organizations that rely on renewal funding that do not have funds available when the new operating year begins will result in rent payments being delayed to landlords, services disrupted, and frontline staff who will likely miss their pay. Please urge HUD to promptly finish processing FY24 CoC homelessness funding and distribute these precious dollars to homeless services providers across the nation. At a time when the numbers of people experiencing and vulnerable to homelessness have never been higher, now is no time for critically-needed funds to sit idle in Washington, DC.”
Please be sure to provide your name and address so the staff know you are a constituent, take you seriously, and will send you a written response.
Fill out the form on this page and a sample message will be sent to your Congressional Members.
Send a customized email to your lawmaker’s office.
- Lawmakers are more likely to pay attention to emails which include personal details. Create your own e-mail using the information provided in this message and customize it with specific details on potential impact for your organization and community.
- Please be sure to provide your name and address so the staff know you are a constituent, take you seriously, and will send you a written response.