Responding to Unsheltered Homelessness 

Unsheltered homelessness has been on the rise since 2016 as the number of new people falling into homelessness consistently outpaces available resources. Enduring unsheltered homelessness worsens people’s health and jeopardizes their safety. Communities must respond to this crisis by supporting people’s immediate health and wellbeing while prioritizing connections to permanent housing and services.

Strategic Data

Using data to understand the scope of unsheltered homelessness, which can help communities plan strategically.

Street Outreach

Implementing housing-focused street outreach models, which play an integral role in connecting people with available resources.

Permanent Housing

Investing in pathways to permanent housing, which can help people exit unsheltered homelessness directly without the need for more emergency shelter or other interim solutions .

“>Criminalization, on the other hand, is not the solution. Find out more and how you can combat criminalization efforts in your state.

“>Housing Focused Street Outreach 

“>Providing for Interim Needs & Facilitating Rapid Transitions to Housing 

“>Collecting and Maintaining Accurate Data 

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