Hotels to Housing Case Studies

2 min

Quick Downloads: California | Oregon | Vermont | Minnesota (Hennepin County) | Fort Worth, TX (Casa De Esperanza) | Los Angeles, CA (Casa Luna and Best Inn) | San Diego, CA (Kearny Valley VISTA) | Minneapolis, MN (Steven’s Square) | Essex Junction, VT (Susan’s Place)

NHC Webinar 1: Converting Motels & Hotels into Affordable Housing

NHC Webinar 2: How it Works: Financing and Servicing of Motel and Hotel Conversions

Program-Level Case Studies


Sources of Funding: Federal, State, Local, Philanthropic
Number of Units Created: 6066 units; 95 projects; 51 communities
Administrative Model: State Agency administered; local public entity implementation
Program Outcomes: 4.5% of Homeless Households (2020 PIT count)


Sources of Funding: State, Local
Number of Units Created: 867 units; 19 projects; 13 counties
Administrative Model: Statewide private foundation administered; local public & private implementation
Program Outcomes: 7% of Homeless Households (2020 PIT count)


Sources of Funding: Federal, State, Local
Number of Units Created: 247 units; 13 projects; 13 communities
Administrative Model: State Agency administered; local public & private implementation
Program Outcomes: 30% of Homeless Households (2020 PIT count)

Minnesota (Hennepin County)

Sources of Funding: Federal, Local
Number of Units Created: 165 units; 4 projects; 1 community
Administrative Model: County administered and implemented
Program Outcomes: 5.5% of Homeless Households (2020 PIT count)

Program-Level Case Studies

Fort Worth, TX

Sources of Funding: Federal and Local
Number of Units Created: 119
Type of Units: Permanent supportive housing with housing vouchers
Ownership/Management Model: public housing authority owner; contract manager, services by non-profits

Los Angeles, CA (Casa Luna)

Sources of Funding: Federal and State (through Homekey program) and Local
Number of Units Created: 49
Type of Units: Interim housing; planned transition to permanent supportive housing by 2025
Ownership/Management Model: non-profit owner/manager; services by separate non-profit

Los Angeles, CA (Best Inn)

Sources of Funding: Federal and State (through Homekey program) and Local
Number of Units Created: 22
Type of Units: Interim housing
Ownership/Management Model: non-profit owner/manager/service provider

San Diego, CA (Kearny Valley VISTA)

Sources of Funding: Federal and State (through Homekey program)
Number of Units Created: 142
Type of Unit: Permanent supportive housing with housing vouchers
Ownership/Management Model: public housing authority owner/manager; services contracted through separate non-profit

Minneapolis, MN (Stevens Square)

Sources of Funding: Local
Number of Units Created: 31
Type of Units: Single Room Occupancy with shared kitchens and bathrooms
Ownership/Management Model: county owner; non-profit landlord and manager

Essex Junction, VT (Susan’s Place)

Sources of Funding: Federal, State and Local
Number of Units Created: 68
Type of Units: Permanent housing with supportive services
Ownership/Management Model: non-profit owner/manager; services by separate non-profits

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