The Continuum of Care Spending Plan Template

< 1 min

The Federal Government is encouraging communities to reduce homelessness by allocating resources to permanent solutions such as rapid re-housing and permanent supportive housing. This template was created to help identify how resources in the Continuum of Care region are currently allocated, how resources will be utilized, and how existing resources will be reallocated.

Communities interested in utilizing the template should download it and review the instructions and instructional video. They should then bring together homeless assistance providers, community leaders, and other stakeholders to help fill out the template, which requires homeless assistance providers to provide information about how much funding they receive, the source of the funding, and what strategies the funding is used for. The various stakeholders can also plan for how funding will change over the coming year and over the next five years.

The video below explains how to fill out and use the template.

In the webinar below we review how to complete the Continuum of Care Spending Plan Template and answer questions regarding the template.

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