Protect HUD Staff and HUD Funding!
The Alliance and other national organizations are joining together for a national Day of Action to protect HUD and its funding. Join us!
Both Congress and the Administration are expected to make decisions this week that will significantly impact homelessness and affordable housing programs. Here’s what you can do to take action:
3 Key Ways to Advocate Today:
Call your lawmakers’ D.C. offices.
- The Capitol Hill switchboard is (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the House or Senate office you request. Don’t know what to say? Please use this script or change it to convey your own message. Remember to provide your name and address so the staff know you are a constituent, take you seriously, and will send you a written response.
- “I urge you to oppose any FY2025 continuing resolution that would result in cuts of as much as $165 million to HUD’s homeless assistance grants, as well as cuts to other affordable housing programs.”
“I also urge you to oppose reckless and arbitrary cuts in the workforce of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Local homelessness response systems need a fully-staffed HUD to ensure timely payments to landlords and vendors, inspection of properties, and to keep homeless service organizations in operation. Less staff at HUD will result in longer waitlists for housing and services, less efficient payment and procurement, and more uncertainty for private landlords who accept tenants who receive federal rental assistance.”
Send a personalized email to your lawmaker’s office.
- If you already have a staff contact or email address for your Member of Congress’ office, please email them directly instead of using the form. Lawmakers are more likely to pay attention to emails directly from their constituents that include personal details, rather than form emails. Create your own e-mail using the information provided in this message, customize it with specific details on potential impact for your organization and community, and email it directly to your Member of Congress’ offices.
- Please be sure to provide your name and address so the staff know you are a constituent, take you seriously, and will send you a written response.
Fill out the Alliance’s online advocacy form on this page.
Enter your name, address, and email address, and a sample message will be sent to your Members of Congress. Please customize this email if possible!