Medicaid Monday: Making your pitch

Happy Medicaid Monday! This is the fifth and final blog post focusing on Medicaid and what you need to know to maximize the benefits of this mainstream resource for people experiencing homelessness. Check out our previous posts:

Check out our new resource on Medicaid that outlines basic steps Continuum of Care (CoC) leads can take to advance their efforts with securing Medicaid as a resource as part of the local system of services. Using Medicaid to Pay for Services in PSH: Steps for CoC Leads to Get Started was created by the Alliance in conjunction with Techinal Assistance Collaborative (TAC) and CSH.

Knocking on the Door

There are several win-wins for housing providers and health care payers. Providing health care payers with incentives will be important for getting them on board to change policies or provide additional resources. Our guide lists several win-wins for you to consider.
It’s important to develop a clear proposal and communication and outreach strategy. Designing an effective approach is important for increasing your odds at success. Our guide includes several talking points, materials and other tips for reaching out to health care payers.
Finally, tailor your approach depending on the type of health care payer. Luckily there are several types of health care payers including Managed Care Organizations, Hospitals, community clinics, and Medicaid agencies, so hopefully this means there are multiple opportunities. Our guide provides information on how to tailor your approach to each type of entity.

Reminder: Our guide has a comprehensive resource page that lists all technical assistance providers, resources and current projects working on how to capture health care financing for supportive services.

Add to your calendar: CSH Medicaid 101 training begins September 20. More info here.

We hope this Medicaid Monday series and guide will help you take the next steps toward securing health care dollars, particularly Medicaid, to pay for supportive services that are important for people maintaining their housing and improving their quality of life. If you have any questions or additional information about our guide or on health care financing generally please contact me at Finally, I would like to thank our partners TAC and CSH for working with us on this great resource.