You’ve seen the talk that this winter will be difficult; shorter days and colder temperatures portend higher rates of COVID-19 and little outdoor exercise. For frontline homeless service providers, staff are challenged to manage trauma from their own lives while navigating second-hand trauma from the people they serve. But even during these difficult times, there is a […]
Homelessness in 2021: Five Factors to Watch
As the nation emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, homelessness will continue to be a national crisis. Although the number of people experiencing homelessness is still lower than it was in 2007, homelessness has been increasing since 2016. It is likely […]
New Omnibus: What It Means for Homelessness
Congress, with one giant bill, has finished all its work for 2020 (with one significant exception – see below). The “omnibus” included all the regular discretionary spending bills for FY 2021; about $900 billion in emergency coronavirus relief spending; and […]
The Longest Night of the Year
December 21, the longest night of the year, is remembered annually as Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day, a time when we remember the people who lost their lives while experiencing homelessness. The night seems particularly poignant this year as we anticipate […]
Perspective: I Was Homeless. Housing Made All the Difference
The author is a person who has experienced homelessness in Houston, TX. For most of my childhood, my mom worked minimum wage jobs and we lived in government housing. When Hurricane Ike devastated much of Houston in 2008 and the […]