
Individual Homelessness: What are the Trends?

In less than two weeks, the Alliance will be convening nearly one thousand experts from across the country for a conference focused on ending homelessness among individual homeless adults. The need is clear. Despite successes with some subpopulations (like the […]

Racial Disparities in the Homeless System: Moving Forward

The 2018 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) tells us something we all should know by now: African Americans are glaringly overrepresented within the homelessness system. African Americans represent 13 percent of the general population but account for 40 percent of […]

Why the PIT Count Counts

Late on the night of January 23, thousands of people will spread out across the nation’s urban and rural communities to count how many of their fellow residents are homeless. Among those counting will be the staff of homeless organizations, […]

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