
Focusing on Solutions: The Supreme Court and Housing Justice

This blog post was originally published on the National Housing Conference website.  No matter the outcome, local leaders have the power to choose proven approaches to reduce homelessness. The law should ultimately uphold the responsibility of leaders to prioritize effective […]

Paint by Numbers: Older Americans and Homelessness

Every May, the Administration for Community Living-ACL (part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) leads the nation’s observance of Older Americans Month. This year’s theme is Powered by Connection, which highlights the importance meaningful relationships and social […]

Fair Housing and Why It Matters to Ending Homelessness

The twin goals of the Fair Housing Act are to prohibit discrimination in housing, and to replace existing patterns of residential racial segregation with “truly integrated and balanced living patterns.” Notwithstanding, racial discrimination in market rate housing informs the disproportionate […]

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