4.1 What Do I Do After the Meeting?
Goal: Follow Up After The Meeting.
Check this out:
Put It Into Practice
Fortunately, you can get started with this piece now. Create a list of follow-up steps you’d like to take after the meeting.
Examples might include:
- Sending your lawmaker some data or research that supports your position
- Tagging your lawmaker on social media posts related to the issue
- Inviting the lawmaker to visit your group or organization locally
4.2 How do I stay involved?
Goal: Integrate advocacy into your ongoing work
You aren’t likely to get what you want from a lawmaker if you only interact with them once. Advocacy is most effective when it’s ongoing.
Put It Into Practice
Review this Yearlong Advocacy Calendar Worksheet. Use it to make a draft list of the ongoing practices you’d like to engage in, so that the issues you care about are staying on your lawmaker’s radar.
4.3 Additional Resources to Support Your Lobbying and Advocacy Work
The following set of additional resources can help guide your and your organization’s understanding of how to successfully partake in advocacy efforts.
Advocacy 101- What is Advocacy? 2.0: This factsheet provides a quick rundown on how effective advocacy enables nonprofits to shape the public debate on important social issues and ultimately, ensures that underserved communities have a voice in the policies that impact their lives. (Alliance for Justice)
- Best Practices and Tips for Advocacy and Lobbying: This guide provides tips for a variety of different ways to engage lawmakers. (National Low-Income Housing Coalition)
- Bolder Advocacy State-By-State Resources: This interactive map of state law resources provides tailored state-by-state guidance for nonprofit advocates, grantees, and funders engaging in educational programs and advocacy networks. (Bolder Advocacy)
- Advocacy – National Federation of Federal Employees: This resource defines parameters around how federal employees can contact members of Congress. (National Federation of Federal Employees)
- Knowing the Rules of Nonprofit Lobbying: This Alliance resource helps nonprofits understand what constitutes lobbying and how to measure and report on lobbying activities.
- Lobbying: Important Legal Considerations for Individuals and 501(c)(3) Organizations: This resource identifies the limitations organizations must adhere to when lobbying in support of their mission. (National Low-Income Housing Coalition)
- Sample 501(c)(3) Organizational Policy for Election Season: This sample policy provides language you can use to remind your employees of the rules for 501(c)(3) employees. (Alliance for Justice)
- Commenting on Candidates and Campaigns: How 501(c)(3)s Can Respond During an Election Year: Candidates for public office sometimes say things that are incorrect, or with which nonprofits disagree, and nonprofits may wish to set the record straight. While 501(c)(3) organizations cannot support or oppose candidates for public office, this resource outlines strategies which they can take to promote nonpartisan facts during election season. (Alliance for Justice)
- Every One Votes is an initiative to ensure that people who are experiencing homelessness are registered to vote and able to exercise their right to vote. Providers can access resources and tools that provide guidance and strategies to support clients and consumers to register to vote, and to encourage voter turnout.
- Administrative Advocacy: Administrative advocacy involves influencing the rules that government agencies use to implement laws. This can be a creative way for nonprofits to achieve their missions. (Alliance for Justice)
- Accountability Advocacy for 501(c)(3)s: Nonprofits can hold their elected officials accountable for how they serve their constituents. Nonprofits can engage in a range of activities, detailed here, to help hold their elected officials accountable. (Alliance for Justice)
- Other Resources: Learn more about Bolder Advocacy’s resources.
4.4 Tell Us What You Thought!
Please give us feedback on this short course. Your feedback will help us improve future resources.
Got questions about this course or about advocating?
Reach out to learning@naeh.org.
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