Housing-Focused Street Outreach Framework
The Housing-Focused Street Outreach Framework is intended for both current and future street outreach providers to ensure that their work is grounded in a housing-focused approach. This framework offers essential guidance for designing and enhancing housing-focused street outreach programs that […]
The Week in Review: What You Need to Know
It has been another active week across the federal government regarding programs and policies that impact our work to end homelessness. As promised, we want to take a moment to make sure you know what actions we are tracking at […]
Interim Strategies for Responding to Unsheltered Homelessness
Elected leaders are under pressure, often opting for tactics that make homelessness less visible, but don’t actually address the problem. These tactics include a rash of laws that fine, cite, arrest, and jail people experiencing homelessness, even if there is […]
Federal Updates & Continuing Advocacy
As we come to the end of the week, I want to take a moment to update you on the federal activity that impacts our work to end homelessness. Before the updates, though, I also want to acknowledge that many […]
Advocacy is Love in Action
bell hooks said that love is profoundly political and that our deepest revolution will come when we know this truth. She went on to say, “the moment that we choose love, we begin to move against domination, against oppression…we begin […]
Why Criminalization Doesn’t Work: Research & Policy Insights
In summer 2024, the Supreme Court’s ruling in City of Grants Pass v. Johnson emboldened communities across the country to enact new measures that make sleeping in public spaces a legally punishable offense—effectively criminalizing homelessness. However, extensive research makes one […]
An Update on this Week’s Federal Grant and Loan Pause
In the last 36 hours, the Alliance has been in touch with dozens of Continuum of Care leaders, recipients of federal Homelessness Assistance Grants, and HUD technical assistance providers about the OMB memo (M-25-13). This memo directed federal agencies to […]
Wednesday Update on Federal Grant and Loan Freeze
The Alliance is committed to keeping our local, state, and national partners informed of the changing circumstances regarding this week’s memorandum from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) directing all federal agencies to temporarily freeze activities associated with the […]
A Letter from Ann Oliva, Alliance CEO, on Recent Executive Orders
Dear System Leaders and Service Providers, As I am sure you all know, this week, the Trump Administration issued dozens of Executive Orders and administrative actions. During these times, it is vitally important that you all have accurate information on […]
7 Takeaways from 2024 Point-in-Time Count Data on Homelessness
By Daniel Soucy and Andrew Hall In late December, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released the 2024 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) Part 1. It highlights the findings from the nation’s only comprehensive count of people […]