Alliance Advocacy Guides 2017: The Essentials of Advocating to End Homelessness

< 1 min

Advocacy is essential in the efforts to end homelessness across the country, as government resources and partnership help leverage local efforts. One of the most important things you can do to is get involved at home and organize in your community, and there are many different ways to take action, such as facilitating call-in or email days, holding district meetings with elected officials, hosting site visits at a local service provider, and attending town hall meetings held by your local elected officials.

All of these actions help raise the issue of ending homelessness to your elected officials, both at the local and federal level, and doing them together and as a community can help make your representatives and Members of Congress turn ending homelessness into a priority. Below are some Alliance resources that can help you understand what kinds of actions you can take in your community to advocate for ending homelessness, and some guidance on how to do it. Follow these steps, use our tools, and get your networks mobilized, and together, we can make ending homelessness a priority in Congress!

Alliance Advocacy Guides:

Site Visits

Organizing Locally

In-District Engagement

Coordinated Calls and Emails

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