Kay Moshier McDivitt answers a common question we receive about retooling transitional housing programs: “What are some real-world examples of programs that have successfully retooled?” In this video, Kay discusses three programs that have retooled their transitional housing programs into a different program type. First, she discusses Agape Family and Children’s Services, in Memphis, TN. Agape retooled its site-based family transitional housing program, Families in Transition (FIT) to a transition-in-place rapid re-housing model. Second, she discusses the Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association (MIFA), also in Memphis, which began the retooling process by reducing the eligibility requirements needed to enter their program, then reducing the time participants spend in their programs. Finally, Kay gives the example of the YWCA, in Lancaster, PA, which repurposed some of their units into a single room occupancy model.
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