Surveying Local Homeless Service Providers (Part 3): Responses from November 2020

December 2020

The latest installment of community surveys reflects the findings of a third online survey of Continuum of Care leaders. These findings reflect how homeless service providers and systems have been able to maintain service delivery amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, despite a lack of new federal funds since the initial CARES Act allocations.

The latest report shows providers’ ability to conduct COVID-19 testing among people experiencing homelessness, noticeable housing shifts as a result of the pandemic, the process of exiting people from temporary hotel/motel programs, staffing shortages, and continued resource needs. 


Click each infographic to download takeaways on exits from hotels/motels, key findings, and predicted consequences of no new federal funding for homelessness.


Hotel/Motel Exits Key Findings 

System Consequences