
End of Week Updates and What Lies Ahead

In my 30 years fighting to end homelessness, I have never witnessed a week quite like this. And while we had a victory this week in terms of restoring access to critical funding, it is clear from the now-rescinded OMB […]

An Update on this Week’s Federal Grant and Loan Pause

In the last 36 hours, the Alliance has been in touch with dozens of Continuum of Care leaders, recipients of federal Homelessness Assistance Grants, and HUD technical assistance providers about the OMB memo (M-25-13). This memo directed federal agencies to […]

Wednesday Update on Federal Grant and Loan Freeze

The Alliance is committed to keeping our local, state, and national partners informed of the changing circumstances regarding this week’s memorandum from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) directing all federal agencies to temporarily freeze activities associated with the […]

Homeless Services Guidance re: Federal Grant/Loan Pause

Late yesterday, the White House directed the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to order all federal agencies to temporarily block activities associated with the obligation and disbursement of all grants, loans, and other financial assistance. It does not include […]

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