written by Jen Saunders and Samantha Batko
Today the Alliance is releasing three new resources that explore strategies for how communities can expand capacity and improve performance of rapid re-housing (RRH). This follows our series of blogs about how and what communities can do to identify and access new funding for rapid re-housing.
How do CoCs lead the charge?
In our new brief, The Role of Continuum of Care Lead Agencies in Expanding Capacity and Improving Performance, we talk about how Continuum of Care (CoC) lead agencies can serve as catalysts for ramping up RRH as well as driving performance locally. The brief discusses activities that CoC agencies can and should take to expand and improve the intervention. You can find examples of communities that have been successful in each of these five strategies in the brief:
- Build strategic partnerships
- Evaluate and incentivize performance
- Encourage performance improvement
- Build local support
- Braid multiple funding sources
Who doesn’t need more money?
Strategies to Secure and Expand Funds for Rapid Re-Housing describes successful strategies communities have used to increase resources for RRH. It includes tips for how to build community support and key action steps community and homeless system leaders can take to increase funding for the intervention. You can find examples of how communities have:
- Improved use of existing resources
- Leveraged mainstream resources
- Secured new dedicated funding
What do you do with the money you have?
Managing multiple funding streams can become a complex and ongoing task that can overwhelm the administrative capacity of small rapid re-housing agencies. Coordinating Diverse Funding Streams, describes action steps that can make it easier for RRH providers to access and utilize diverse funding streams. You can find examples of how communities use the following models of coordination:
- Multiple funders adopting a common vision for use of funds
- A single entity managing multiple funding streams for the system and re-grants the funds
- A single organization managing multiple funding streams and delivering RRH for the region
Stay tuned for webinar in March when we will hear from communities who have successfully used some of these strategies to expand and improve RRH.