Author: Ann Oliva

The Housing ACCESS Act: A Pathway to Supportive Housing

It is challenging to create supportive housing, no matter where you are in the country. For people with extremely low incomes who also face disabilities or complex health challenges, providing supportive housing can be a multifaceted task. It necessitates a […]

Housing First is a Matter of Health

Chronic homelessness is linked to poor health outcomes and higher risk of mortality. People experiencing homelessness often experience trauma on the street or in shelters, which creates long-standing adverse impacts. Having safe, stable housing is essential to a person’s health. […]

Remembering Bill Block

Although you may have never heard his name, he is someone who has positively impacted the lives of many people across the nation — including mine. My friend Bill passed away on August 19 and I want to take some […]

We Called for Presentations – And You Answered

This was an effort to lift up and highlight the rich expertise of people in our field – from service providers to systems leaders, from people with lived experience to longtime case managers, from people who live in cities with […]

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