Author: Chandra Crawford

The NOFO is Correct: Now is the Time to Make the Connection Between Housing and Behavioral Health

Homelessness itself is a traumatizing experience. Add COVID-19 to the picture, and it should be readily apparent that we urgently need to connect people experiencing homelessness to both housing and behavioral health supports.  Research has shown that the pandemic, coupled with the related economic downturn, has negatively impacted people’s mental health and created new […]

Reinstating Fair Housing Rules: A Win for Housing Access

The Biden Administration recently moved to reinstate two key fair housing rules that had been gutted under the former administration.   The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is looking to restore the disparate impact rule, a legal standard in housing cases that weigh discriminatory effects regardless of intent, and the 2015 affirmatively furthering fair housing rule (AFFH) meant to guide local jurisdictions on compliance with […]

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