HUD’s annual Homelessness Report to Congress (AHAR) offers countless insights that help inform how we respond to homelessness in the United States. Among all the data points in the 2018 AHAR, however, one stands out as particularly alarming: the 18 […]
Author: Joy Moses
Five Takeaways from HUD’s 2018 Homeless Count
Homelessness ticked up slightly in 2018. A 0.3 percent increase in HUD’s Point-in-Time (PIT) count was the headline from December’s Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR). However, there were five other important takeaways from the release. 1. Progress Is Happening, Especially […]
New Research Quantifies the Link Between Housing Affordability and Homelessness
Over the last couple decades, rents in America have been on the rise. Housing experts describe “severely cost-burdened households” — people who are spending far too much of their income on rent. Citizens rightly insist “the rent is too damn […]