Author: NAEH

Get Prepared for the 2017 Continuum of Care Program NOFA

The release of the Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) registration notice often marks a stressful time for communities. It begins the process of rigorous examination of data, assessment of priorities, and ultimately the need to […]

Upon the Passing of Mike Lowry

It is with great sadness that we share the news that former Washington Gov. Mike Lowry, Alliance Board Co-Chairman, five-term Member of the US House of Representatives, and longtime advocate for housing, environmental and other progressive causes, died Monday. Gov. […]

Enhancing Rapid Re-Housing with Employment

Written by Guest blogger, Tara Maguire, National Initiative on Policy and Economic Opportunity at the Heartland Alliance The scale of family homelessness demands attention. As a new paper about integrating rapid re-housing and employment from my team at Heartland Alliance’s […]

Georgia Emergency Shelters Take on the Shelter Challenge

Emergency shelters play a critical role in efforts to end homelessness. They provide people with a safe place to stay and help them quickly return to housing. The Alliance’s Center for Capacity Building has been focusing on learning about effective […]