Author: Sharon McDonald

Protecting People from COVID-19 Requires State and Local Leadership

A new report issued by the National Alliance to End Homelessness examines challenges confronting frontline homeless service providers during the COVID19 pandemic. The report’s findings are based on a survey of nearly 800 homeless service providers, system leaders, funders, and people with lived experience on community needs.     Among […]

COVID-19: What State and Local Leaders Can Do for Homeless Populations

Individuals experiencing homelessness include many older adults, often with compounding disabilities, who reside in large congregate facilities or in unsheltered locations with poor access to sanitation. Their age, poor health, disability, and living conditions make them highly vulnerable to illness. […]

Invest in Housing, Reduce Family Homelessness

State-level data indicates that family homelessness – families living in shelter, transitional housing, or without any shelter – declined sharply across the country between 2013-2018.  This might lead one to conclude that homeless service providers are serving fewer families. This […]

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