Category: Advocacy

The Week in Review: What You Need to Know

It has been another active week across the federal government regarding programs and policies that impact our work to end homelessness. As promised, we want to take a moment to make sure you know what actions we are tracking at […]

Federal Updates & Continuing Advocacy

As we come to the end of the week, I want to take a moment to update you on the federal activity that impacts our work to end homelessness. Before the updates, though, I also want to acknowledge that many […]

Advocacy is Love in Action

bell hooks said that love is profoundly political and that our deepest revolution will come when we know this truth. She went on to say, “the moment that we choose love, we begin to move against domination, against oppression…we begin […]

Homeless Services Guidance re: Federal Grant/Loan Pause

Late yesterday, the White House directed the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to order all federal agencies to temporarily block activities associated with the obligation and disbursement of all grants, loans, and other financial assistance. It does not include […]

Moving Forward After the Supreme Court Decision

In Justice Gorsuch’s opinion, he wrote that public-camping ordinances do not criminalize status, as they prohibit the actions taken by any person: whether they are experiencing homelessness, a backpacker on vacation, or a student choosing to protest on the lawn […]

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