Category: Advocacy

Moving Forward After the Supreme Court Decision

In Justice Gorsuch’s opinion, he wrote that public-camping ordinances do not criminalize status, as they prohibit the actions taken by any person: whether they are experiencing homelessness, a backpacker on vacation, or a student choosing to protest on the lawn […]

How to Advocate to Your Lawmaker

Overview & Part 1 We’re thrilled that you’re joining the National Alliance to End Homelessness in advocating for policies and funding to help end homelessness. Here’s what to expect from this course: Videos featuring real advocates talking about their own […]

Mobilizing a Broader Network of Advocates

As homelessness has become more visible, it has also gained attention from lawmakers at every level of government. More often than not, lawmakers and those calling for action do not understand how people become homeless, the sheer lack of resources […]

Advocating for Person-Centered Responses to Homelessness

Using punitive measures to respond to homelessness, such as arresting and/or fining people who sleep outside, is not a new approach. However, laws that punish those who have no other place to go have steadily increased in recent years at […]

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