Category: Advocacy

Legislative Update: Homelessness in Congress’ Reconciliation Bill

This week is extremely important for federal legislation and homelessness: it could be the week that the House votes on a $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package that includes significant investments in low-income housing and supportive housing services.  The House Financial […]

How the Next Few Weeks Will Impact Homelessness Spending

This blog post has been updated to include insights from a September 2 Webinar on the current state of Congressional action on affordable housing. What’s Happening in Congress Now? Congress is working on several different spending bills all at once […]

Help Is On The Way! The American Rescue Plan Act Becomes Law

Last week, as the Alliance was wrapping up its virtual conference on ending homelessness, the federal government responded to the health and economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic with a massive, $1.9 trillion relief bill. The new law, the American […]

Making Black History: Tamika Jones

As Black History Month comes to a close, it’s important for all homeless service systems, leaders, and providers to remember that Black history and its legacy should be remembered at all points of the year –  especially how Black leaders and advocates contribute the mission to end homelessness.   This work often comes with challenges related to race and […]

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