Category: Children and Families

When a Child Has a Home Coloring Pages

Join us as we raise awareness of family homelessness to get communities, states, and the Federal government to focus policy solutions and funding toward ending this crisis. As part of this campaign we are collecting images and stories that represent the things a child should be able to do, but can’t, because of their lack of permanent, stable housing. We are asking children across the country to draw a picture for the Alliance showing us what life is like at their homes. Below are three different coloring prompts to choose from. Feel free to submit just one or all three!

Rapid Re-Housing Rent and Move in Assistance for California Providers

On June 9th, the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) held the third webinar in a four part webinar series on Rapid Re-Housing (RRH), designed for providers who operate or are interested in operating a RRH program funded through the Calworks Housing Support Program (HSP) or the Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program. The third webinar, RRH: Rent and Move-In Assistance, focused on approaches to providing financial assistance for participants in a manner consistent with the new RRH benchmarks and standards published by the Alliance.

Who is helping rapidly re-house families?

In early May the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced Tier 2 awards to local Continuums of Care (CoCs). Our analysis of the results suggests a lot more individuals, families, youth and survivors of domestic violence will receive rapid re-housing in the upcoming year, but more services are needed to support families than homeless programs can provide on their own.

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