By now your community has delved into the FY2018 CoC Program Competition. Wherever you are in the process, we’re happy to tell you that the Alliance is here to help! As Steve Berg mentioned in his earlier blog, this year’s […]
Category: Chronic Homelessness
What to Expect in the 2018 CoC Program NOFA
People are hard at work on the NOFA for Continuum of Care funding for 2018, and this blog post kicks off a set of tools the Alliance will produce to help. We encourage all readers to also review resources from […]
What Gets Measured Gets Managed
This guest post was written by Jill Khadduri, Senior Fellow and Principal Associate for Social and Economic Policy at Abt Associates. An old adage tells us, “What gets measured gets managed.” That’s why, beginning in the early 2000s, communities across the country […]
Matching Permanent Supportive Housing to the Most Vulnerable: A State-by-State Snapshot
Permanent supportive housing (PSH) is a proven solution for the most vulnerable chronically homeless people. PSH ends a person’s homelessness by pairing housing with case management and voluntary supportive services. Investments in PSH have helped decrease the number of chronically […]
Addressing Chronic Homelessness: What the Research Tells Us
This guest post was written by Jill Khadduri, Senior Fellow and Principal Associate for Social and Economic Policy at Abt Associates. Homelessness was once viewed as a permanent personal attribute, rather than a temporary condition. Long-term or repeated episodes on the […]