Category: Continuum of Care

What’s New in the 2022 CoC Program NOFO

The fiscal year 2022 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is out, allowing communities to get their share of the $2.794 billion provided by Congress to fund homelessness systems. As usual, the CoC NOFO application aligns […]

For EHV Programs, the Affordable Housing Crisis is a Big Challenge

The conversations revealed that efforts to use these valuable government resources were hampered by issues associated with the national affordable housing crisis. Nevertheless, communities wanted more EHVs available because they represent a meaningful chance to permanently house people who otherwise […]

Taking Stock: System Improvements and the 2022 NOFO Competition

Over the past two years, homeless service systems have been pushed to the limit, revealing valuable insights about what works and what doesn’t. The influx of resources has presented exceptional opportunities for homelessness systems, but also presented numerous hurdles. The […]

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