Category: Federal Funding

Legislative Update: Homelessness in Congress’ Reconciliation Bill

This week is extremely important for federal legislation and homelessness: it could be the week that the House votes on a $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package that includes significant investments in low-income housing and supportive housing services.  The House Financial […]

The NOFO is Correct: Now is the Time to Make the Connection Between Housing and Behavioral Health

Homelessness itself is a traumatizing experience. Add COVID-19 to the picture, and it should be readily apparent that we urgently need to connect people experiencing homelessness to both housing and behavioral health supports.  Research has shown that the pandemic, coupled with the related economic downturn, has negatively impacted people’s mental health and created new […]

2021 NOFO Resource Series

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) 2021 Notice of Funding Opportunity for the Continuum of Care program presents vitally important opportunity for homelessness response systems across the country. Not only is it a chance to secure needed […]

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