Category: Federal Funding

How to Effectively Work with Federal, State, and Local Leaders

Regular engagement with elected officials is critical to any community’s efforts to end homelessness. Programs depend on federal, state, and local funding, so it is essential to regularly educate policymakers that investing in ending homelessness is good for their community. […]

COVID-19 and the State of Homelessness

As the Homeless Research Institute (HRI) worked to prepare The State of Homelessness: 2020 Edition, the COVID-19 global pandemic erupted. Like innumerable other small corners of the world, progress on the report was impacted. But, far more significantly, its subject […]

Exploring the State of Homelessness in 2020

Today the Alliance is releasing an updated version of its annual report—The State of Homelessness: 2020 Edition. As in previous years, it continues to be a tool to help evaluate the nation’s progress towards ending homelessness. Based on data collected […]

Effective Advocacy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Effective advocacy is an essential tool in our efforts to serve the most vulnerable people during the COVID-19 pandemic. Recently, the Alliance hosted a webinar to help partners in the field advocate for the resources we all need during this […]

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