Category: Housing First

Advocating for Person-Centered Responses to Homelessness

Using punitive measures to respond to homelessness, such as arresting and/or fining people who sleep outside, is not a new approach. However, laws that punish those who have no other place to go have steadily increased in recent years at […]

Housing First is a Matter of Health

Chronic homelessness is linked to poor health outcomes and higher risk of mortality. People experiencing homelessness often experience trauma on the street or in shelters, which creates long-standing adverse impacts. Having safe, stable housing is essential to a person’s health. […]

Why the Housing PLUS Act is a Threat to Housing First

While homeless service providers may know the value of Housing First, Congressional lawmakers must also understand the critical role that Housing First plays in getting people experiencing homelessness back into housing. Communicating the importance of Housing First will be especially […]

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