COVID-19 and the current economic crisis are testing homeless services systems in unprecedented ways. To better understand how providers are managing the current crisis, the Alliance and a collection of research partners initiated a series of community surveys and interviews […]
Category: Housing First
What Communities Can Accomplish with Recent COVID-19 Policy Updates
Late last week, White House officials negotiated with Congressional Democrats over another coronavirus emergency spending bill. They ended negotiations with no agreement, said they would not schedule further meetings, and said the President would take “executive action” in the light of the […]
Statement on the Revocation of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule
The National Alliance to End Homelessness stands opposed to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD’s) decision to revoke the 2015 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule (AFFH rule). The AFFH rule is a critically important tool for addressing the housing discrimination caused by historical and systemic racism in our cities, […]
Changes to HUD’s Equal Access Rule Could Exclude More Transgender People From Shelter
Proposed edits to an existing HUD rule could threaten access to shelter for transgender people. Now that these edits to the Equal Access Rule are officially in the Federal Register, transgender people – who already experience disproportionately high rates of homelessness and discrimination […]
Transgender Homeless Adults & Unsheltered Homelessness: What the Data Tell Us
Limited information exists about the number of transgender people experiencing homelessness. There are very few data sets relative to this population, but all the data tells a similar story: transgender people are more likely to be unsheltered than their cisgender peers, and those who […]