Category: Housing First

Making the Shift Happen in Virginia

Written by guest blogger, Kendall Cloeter, MSW, Housing Program Administrator for the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development Since the beginning of the Virginia Emergency Shelter Learning Community (ELSC) in April, I’ve had a few thoughts on our catch-phrase “Making Shift […]

Housing options lead to better outcomes

At Central City Concern (CCC), individuals experiencing homelessness need choices too, including the ability to live in the kind of supported housing that is clinically indicated for their needs. Central City Concern’s Housing Choice model has helped us meet diverse challenges and service needs for an array of clients; our agency employs Recovery Housing as well as Housing First supported housing programs.

Defining what it means to end chronic homelessness – we now have a clear goal

The goal to end chronic homelessness set by the federal government in 2005 was considered very ambitious. Today, we are excited to share that the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness and its 19 federal member agencies released criteria and a benchmark that define what ending chronic homelessness should look like. Being at a point where we are able to define what it means to end chronic homelessness is exciting — it means we have made significant strides and now need to plan an end game.

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