Category: Housing First

Defining what it means to end chronic homelessness – we now have a clear goal

The goal to end chronic homelessness set by the federal government in 2005 was considered very ambitious. Today, we are excited to share that the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness and its 19 federal member agencies released criteria and a benchmark that define what ending chronic homelessness should look like. Being at a point where we are able to define what it means to end chronic homelessness is exciting — it means we have made significant strides and now need to plan an end game.

Ending homelessness here and abroad

Five homeless service professionals from the United States and five from the United Kingdom are spending two weeks this spring studying approaches to ending homelessness across the pond. It is called the Transatlantic Practice Exchange, and the Alliance is partnering with Homeless Link and the Oak Foundation to facilitate this amazing opportunity.

Housing is an equalizer

Vera Beech, Executive Director of Community Builders in Keny County, Michigan, talks about why rapid re-housing works for their consumers.

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