Category: Housing First

2021 NOFO: What Is HUD Looking For?

Such an analysis should influence how localities approach the new HUD Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Analyzing systems can help communities identify key priority areas for improvement to meet their own goals of helping people quickly exit homelessness safely and […]

Don’t Let Time Be the Enemy of Equity

In the United States, which has experienced the greatest documented loss of life due to the virus, Latinx, American Indian/Alaskan Natives and African Americans are twice as likely to die from COVID-19 as White/Non-Hispanic persons, according to the U.S. Centers […]

Five Truths About Shared Housing

What’s so wrong with shared housing? The answer is nothing. Shared housing is a completely normal and accepted living situation. Families share housing while raising kids. Roommates share housing, especially in major cities with extremely tight rental markets. College students […]

What Is Progressive Engagement?

Homeless service systems have always faced enormous challenges to do more with less. Simply put, there have never been enough resources to meet demand. This has forced tough decisions about how to prioritize services and determine who needs what – […]

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