Category: Housing

Reinstating Fair Housing Rules: A Win for Housing Access

The Biden Administration recently moved to reinstate two key fair housing rules that had been gutted under the former administration.   The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is looking to restore the disparate impact rule, a legal standard in housing cases that weigh discriminatory effects regardless of intent, and the 2015 affirmatively furthering fair housing rule (AFFH) meant to guide local jurisdictions on compliance with […]

Key Takeaways from Ending Homelessness: A Virtual Conference

This year, the Alliance’s conference looked and felt different: for the first time, it was virtual. Most everyone attended from their offices or homes, and the number of workshops was smaller than previous conferences. However, Alliance staff, participants, and attendees left this conference […]

Homelessness and Black History: Poverty and Income

This is the fourth installment in a series of posts examining the historic roots of homelessness and African Americans. Prior posts can be found here, here, and here.  Both poverty and income strongly correlate with race in the United States. Among all racial groups, Black Americans are […]

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