Category: LGBTQ

Improving Assistance to LGBTQ+ Individuals

There has been a sharp increase in the number of LGBTQ individuals personally experiencing discrimination across the United States, according to a recent report from GLAAD – 24 percent over a two-year period. There have also been legislative efforts to […]

Something to Be Proud Of

Despite the many parades and rainbows, the joy of celebration, and the strides that society as a whole has made to embrace LGBTQ people, there is still an ongoing fight for equality and equity, both inside and outside the homelessness […]

Making Black History: Tamika Jones

As Black History Month comes to a close, it’s important for all homeless service systems, leaders, and providers to remember that Black history and its legacy should be remembered at all points of the year –  especially how Black leaders and advocates contribute the mission to end homelessness.   This work often comes with challenges related to race and […]

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