Category: Point in Time Counts

Introducing the State of Homelessness 2019

The Alliance is excited to release the State of Homelessness 2019. This web-based annual report uses data to chart the nation’s progress towards ending homelessness. The information further informs policymaking as well as national discussions focused on improving awareness and solutions.   As we move into a new year of the State of […]

Why the PIT Count Counts

Late on the night of January 23, thousands of people will spread out across the nation’s urban and rural communities to count how many of their fellow residents are homeless. Among those counting will be the staff of homeless organizations, […]

Five Takeaways from HUD’s 2018 Homeless Count

Homelessness ticked up slightly in 2018. A 0.3 percent increase in HUD’s Point-in-Time (PIT) count was the headline from December’s Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR). However, there were five other important takeaways from the release. 1. Progress Is Happening, Especially […]

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