Earlier this week President Obama released his proposed budget for fiscal year (FY) 2016, which begins Oct. 1, 2015. The proposal includes strong measures to help communities re-house homeless people and prevent people who are at-risk from becoming homeless. As has become typical over the past several years, however, grave disagreement between the administration and Congress over larger budget issues means a lot of uncertainty for the future of homeless programs. The President’s budget presents a feasible best-case-scenario for progress on homelessness. (The worst-case-scenario is decidedly grimmer.) It’s based on some commonsense assumptions about homelessness.
Category: Policy
FY 2017 McKinney Appropriations: Sample Congressional Talking Points
These talking points can be individualized for your community and/or program when reaching out to your Members of Congress in order to urge them to pursue a funding level of $2.480 billion for HUD's McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants.
Legislative Fixes for VA Homeless Assistance Programs
This brief describes needed legislative activity around the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) homeless veteran programs in the upcoming 114th Congress. The Alliance and its national partners will be advocating for these changes to improve the effectiveness of VA’s efforts to end veteran homelessness.
Making Effective Use of TANF
The resource provides an overview of how some communities are using TANF funds for short-term rent assistance and how TANF agencies can help improve the self-sufficiency of families.
National Housing Trust Fund
The goal of the Trust Fund is to provide ongoing, permanent, dedicated, and sufficient sources of revenue to build, rehabilitate, and preserve units of housing for the lowest-income families.