Category: Uncategorized

The State of Homelessness in America 2015: Looking at the Big Picture

If you’re a leader of a Continuum of Care (CoC), you likely know how many people are homeless and how many beds for homeless people there are in your community. If you’re a homelessness service provider, I bet you have a pretty good idea of how many people you serve in your program, and how these numbers have changed over the past few years. And if you’re a concerned citizen, I’m sure you are aware when you see an unsheltered homeless person sleeping on the street or in the park.

Each of these experiences is a small part of the larger picture of homelessness in a state and in America. So when we add it all up, what trends do we see?

Just Released: The State of Homelessness in America 2015

Overall homelessness in America has declined, but millions remain at risk of falling into homelessness in the future, according to The State of Homelessness in America 2015, the fifth in a series of annual reports on the nation’s progress on homelessness by the Alliance’s Homelessness Research Institute.

The report, which we released today, examines national and state trends in the homeless populations and the number of beds available to assist them. It shows that, during a period of economic growth for the nation when unemployment decreased in nearly every state, the rate of homelessness fell by 2.3 percent, but the number of people at risk of homelessness remained at post-recession levels.

Help us win $10,000 to Fight Homelessness!

The madness is here. BJ’s Charity Championship begins TODAY Wednesday, March 25, and we need your vote to win a $10,000 donation towards our work to end homelessness.

BJ’s Wholesale Club has selected the Alliance as one of 16 charities to compete in their March Madness style bracket competition this week. The first round starts today and you can vote here. Each round we win our donation increases, up to $10,000. If you want to share with family and friends, here is the link: It really only takes a second of your time.

You can Finally Read the Alliance Newsletter on Your Phone

If you subscribe to Alliance Online News, you may have noticed last Tuesday when you received the latest issue, that it suddenly looks very different.

That’s because we’re in the midst of transitioning to a new email distribution service and implementing a new template that, we believe, will help us reach more readers. We’re still working out the kinks. If you have had any trouble with our new template or just want to share your thoughts on the new design, we want to hear from you. Why are we doing this?

Now is a Critical Moment for PHAs in the Fight to End Homelessness

Due to the sequestration cuts in fiscal year (FY) 2013, about 100,000 fewer families had access to housing vouchers by June of 2014 compared to December 2012[EC1] , according to speakers on a recent webinar held by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, “Prospects for 2016 Funding and Implications for Voucher Utilization.”

The lack of funding has put public housing authorities (PHAs), which are responsible for administering housing assistance, in a tight spot. PHAs have become reluctant to issue housing vouchers to families in need of assistance out of fear that they won’t be able to renew them. The good news is that the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently announced that funding will be available this year to cover 100 percent of voucher renewal costs from calendar year 2014.

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