Category: Uncategorized

Increases in Individual Homelessness: A Gender Analysis

According to the most recent Point-in-Time data analyzed in The State of Homelessness: 2020 Edition, 2016 began a trend in the number of individual adults experiencing homelessness, rising annually from that point after six consecutive years of decreases. In the […]

Progressive Insurance is Committed to Giving Back

This post is guest authored by Wanda Shippy, Manager of Community Involvement/Corporate Responsibility at Progressive Insurance. As uncertainties around COVID-19 continue to rise, Progressive Insurance has helped many find relief. From the approximately $1 billion in rebates it is providing […]

Protecting People from COVID-19 Requires State and Local Leadership

A new report issued by the National Alliance to End Homelessness examines challenges confronting frontline homeless service providers during the COVID19 pandemic. The report’s findings are based on a survey of nearly 800 homeless service providers, system leaders, funders, and people with lived experience on community needs.     Among […]

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