Category: Unsheltered

The Alliance’s Unsheltered blog series, explores trends, data, and interventions related to unsheltered homelessness.

Protecting People from COVID-19 Requires State and Local Leadership

A new report issued by the National Alliance to End Homelessness examines challenges confronting frontline homeless service providers during the COVID19 pandemic. The report’s findings are based on a survey of nearly 800 homeless service providers, system leaders, funders, and people with lived experience on community needs.     Among […]

What’s in the Coronavirus Bill for Homelessness? 

The Senate has passed the CARES Act, the third and largest supplemental spending bill responding to the COVID-19 epidemic and resulting economic dislocation. Every indication is that the House of Representatives will pass the bill and the President will sign […]

Fact Sheet: Population At-Risk – Homelessness and the COVID-19 Crisis

People experiencing homelessness are uniquely at risk for contracting COVID-19. The Alliance’s Homelessness Research Institute has compiled a fact sheet on COVID-19 and homelessness, based on researchers’ recent recommendations on how to serve this vulnerable population during the pandemic.  These recommendations […]

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