Category: Unsheltered

The Alliance’s Unsheltered blog series, explores trends, data, and interventions related to unsheltered homelessness.

Homelessness in 2022: Five Key Questions

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, homelessness took on a greater priority in communities across the nation. Driven by the economic impacts of the pandemic, the federal government stepped forward with emergency resources to help keep people who had housing in […]

Not One More: Honoring Those Who Died Homeless

Through history and across cultures, the winter solstice has been marked by festivals, celebrations, and observations, with an eye for the warmer weather and longer days soon to come. However, for people experiencing homelessness, their allies, and those who serve […]

Building Back Better for Homeless Women

By Suzette Shaw, Skid Row resident and Alliance Consumer Advisory Board member. What does “Build Back Better” mean for women who are being displaced into poverty and experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles? I have witnessed firsthand the systemic barriers that […]

Be A Part of the Movement to End Homelessness

The number of people experiencing homelessness increased in January 2020 for the fourth year in a row, as did the number of unsheltered people and people chronically experiencing homelessness. The nation’s homeless response systems have spent decades developing a comprehensive […]

Honoring Veterans by Ending Their Homelessness

According to the 2020 PIT Count, veteran homelessness has been almost cut in half (49 percent) since 2009. Both sheltered and unsheltered homelessness rates dropped in 48 states and the District of Columbia. This overall decline in veteran homelessness has […]

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