Almost 60,000 families with children (57,971) are homeless on any given night in the United States, according to the 2017 federal Point-in-Time count. Nationally, that means 7.4 out of every 10,000 families are homeless. But family homelessness is not experienced […]
Content Type: Data and Graphics
Emergency Shelter Infographics
Homelessness in the Most Populous U.S. Metro Areas, 2016 – Interactive Map
Data reflect homelessness on a given night in 2016 according to the sum of annual Point-in-Time counts reported by Continuums of Care (CoCs) within the metropolitan statistical area (MSA). Most MSAs encompass multiple city or […]
Unsheltered Homelessness: Trends, Causes, and Strategies to Address
People sleeping on park benches and street corners are the most visible reminder of the United States’ continuing struggle with homelessness. On any given night, over 175,000 people are unsheltered, sleeping outside or in places not meant for human habitation. On […]