Providers around the country are finding that rapid re-housing can be an effective intervention to help young people experiencing homelessness. These providers are using the same core components of rapid re-housing as adult rapid re-housing providers: housing identification, rent and move-in assistance, […]
Content Type: Toolkits and Training Materials
Webinar: Rapid Re-Housing for Youth Learning Community
The Alliance is conducting regular online meeting of providers, system leaders, and technical assistance specialists from around the country in an effort to better understand best practices for using rapid re-housing to end youth homelessness. This Rapid Re-Housing for Youth […]
Webinar: President’s FY 2018 Budget Briefing
This webinar, conducted by the Alliance’s policy team, is focused on the President’s fiscal year (FY) 2018 Budget Proposal and provides a brief overview of the federal budget and appropriations process, as well as an analysis of the Administration’s proposed […]
Coordinated Entry Toolkit: Core Elements
Per the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Continuum of Care (CoC) Program interim rule, each CoC is required to implement a coordinated entry system that covers the geographic area of their CoC. The purpose of this toolkit […]
Coordinated Entry Toolkit: Infrastructure
Per the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Continuum of Care (CoC) Program interim rule, each CoC is required to implement a coordinated entry system that covers the geographic area of their CoC. The purpose of this toolkit […]