This checklist was developed by Tiana Purvis with the The Salvation Army in Greater Hartford for rapid re-housing case managers to use during home visits.
Content Type: Toolkits and Training Materials
Sample Veteran Homelessness Master List
This sample master list is meant to serve as a model for communities following the Alliances “Five Steps to End Veteran Homelessness.” Creating and maintaining a master list of homeless veterans in your community is meant to ensure that service providers and partners that are working together to end veteran homelessness are on the same page and have a clear set of people who require housing. Also included with the sample list are answers to several frequently asked questions.
Rapid Re-Housing Support Map Tool
This Support Map template can be used to help households in rapid re-housing identify their support network.
Sample Housing Specialist Job Description
This is an example of a new job description for a provider who shifts from a typical scattered site transitional housing model to a rapid re-housing/transition-in-place model. It has been adapted from job descriptions created by Community Rebuilders (Grand Rapids, MI), and Tabor Community Services (Lancaster, PA).
Rapid Re-Housing Shared Housing Agreement Form
This sample form, shared with the permission of Northern Virginia Family Service, is a sample agreement between a tenant and landlord in the case of a shared housing arrangement.