Americans will soon head to the polls. While much of the nation’s attention focuses on the presidential contest, voters will also be choosing members of Congress and state and local representatives. Many of these elected officials have a role to play in ending homelessness. Advocates and concerned […]
Not Going Back: Ending Homelessness in the Age of COVID-19
The challenges people dealing with homelessness are facing right now are immense. We are achieving some things – like continuing to house people during a global pandemic, and innovating new ways to do so – but we need to build […]
Lived Experience Shows Equal Access Protections Must Stay
This summer, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced its intention to amend the 2016 update to the Equal Access Rule. This policy protects transgender and gender non-conforming individuals experiencing homelessness by mandating that shelter providers accommodate a […]
What Communities Can Accomplish with Recent COVID-19 Policy Updates
Late last week, White House officials negotiated with Congressional Democrats over another coronavirus emergency spending bill. They ended negotiations with no agreement, said they would not schedule further meetings, and said the President would take “executive action” in the light of the […]
National Partners Agree: Congress Needs to Step Up During COVID-19
Homeless services providers are still working tirelessly, day in and day out, to serve people experiencing homelessness during COVID-19. Communities are doing the absolute best work they can, even with limited resources and an uncertain future. But inaction from Congress threatens to make this crisis worse by […]