
Homelessness & COVID-19: Considerations and Action Steps

This document was created and supported by the National Association of Community Health Centers, the National Healthcare for the Homeless Council, the National Alliance to End Homelessness, and UnitedHealthcare Community & State.  The full document is available here.  State of Play: […]

COVID-19: What State and Local Leaders Can Do for Homeless Populations

Individuals experiencing homelessness include many older adults, often with compounding disabilities, who reside in large congregate facilities or in unsheltered locations with poor access to sanitation. Their age, poor health, disability, and living conditions make them highly vulnerable to illness. […]

Building Evidence in the Fight to End Homelessness

This post is written by Rohit Naimpally, Senior Research and Policy Manager at J-PAL North America, a regional office of the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J‑PAL). J-PAL is a global research center based at the Massachusetts Institute of […]

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