
New Research: Unsheltered Homelessness is a Health Crisis

Unsheltered individuals manage profound health challenges that broadly define them as a social group. This is the basic conclusion of a recent California Policy Lab (CPL) brief—Health Conditions Among Unsheltered Adults in the U.S. In the lead up to the […]

Want to Know Who Will Become Homeless? Ask a Doctor.

A pair of recent studies found that people are more likely to seek emergency healthcare services just prior to becoming homeless.  Such findings invite service providers to reexamine their approaches to homelessness prevention and diversion. Homelessness and Medical Treatment Focusing […]

Invest in Housing, Reduce Family Homelessness

State-level data indicates that family homelessness – families living in shelter, transitional housing, or without any shelter – declined sharply across the country between 2013-2018.  This might lead one to conclude that homeless service providers are serving fewer families. This […]

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